+N Consulting, Inc.

Nuri's Public Talks

Insightful, passionate, and engaging talks are what Nuri delivers. Check out this partial listing of in-person and recorded appearances:


Los Angeles Data Platform (Online)

September 18, 2024

  • Vector Search and RAG Architecture

PASS Data Summit 2024

November 4-8, 2023, WA

Past Events & Conferences

Kansas City Developer Conference 2024 (KCDC)

June 27-28, 2024, Kansas City, MO

  • From User Story to Data Model to Schema
  • The Right DB for the Right Job

South Florida Data Geeks Meetup June 2024

June 4th, 2024 (virtual)

SQL Saturday Los Angeles 2024

June 1st, 2024, Los Angeles

dotnetsheff - .Net Sheffield

April 17h, 2024, Sheffield, UK (Virtual)

Google Cloud Next 2024

April 9-11, 2024, Las Vegas, NV (Partner)

  • Smart Restaurant Choices with MongoDB Atlas and Vertex AI

SCALE21x - SoCal Linux Expo

March 14-17, 2024, Pasadena, California

Hot Topics Developer Group

March 5th, 2024, San Diego (Virtual)

Code Mash 2024

January 9-12, 2024 Sandusky, OH

PASS Data Summit 2023

November 14-17, 2023, WA

SQL Saturday Los Angeles 2023

June 10 2023 Los Angeles, CA

Kansas City Developer Conferences 2023 (KCDC)

June 21-23 2023 Kansas City, MO

  • Modeling: The Art of Understanding Your App Before Building It

NDC Oslo 2023

May 22-26 2023 Oslo, Norway

Los Angeles .NET

March 16 2023

CodeMash 2023

January 10-13, 2023 Sandusky, OH

Kansas City Developer Conferences 2022 (KCDC)

Kansas City, MO

SQL Saturday Los Angeles 2022

Los Angeles, CA

MongoDB World 2022

June 7-9 2022 New York City, New York

Kansas City Developer Conferences

September 15-17, 2021, Kansas Citi, MO

Data Con LA

September 17-19, 2021, Los Angeles, CA

Global NoSQL and SQL Virtual Bootcamp

Aug 11th - Sep 10th 2021, Santa Clara, CA

Data Geeks Saturday

Saturday, August 7, 2021 (Virtual)

MongoDB First Steps, South Florida Data Geeks

Data Platform Israel

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 21:00 GMT+2 (Virtual)

MongoDB First Steps

.Net Vegas November 2020

Using Cosmos DB in All the Right Places

Data Con LA 2020

Data Migration Lessons from the Trenches

Los Angeles .NET Developers Group October 2020

North West Valley .NET User Group July 2020

[Phoenix, AZ (virtual)](//www.meetup.com/NWVDNUG/events/271465259/)

  • Schema Modeling for Cosmos: Yes, it matters!

SQL Saturday #987 Los Angeles 2020

[Los Angeles, CA (virtual)](//www.sqlsaturday.com/978/Sessions/Details/sid/104188)

  • Introduction to MongoDB

Silicone Valley Code Camp 2019

San Jose, Ca

  • ACID Transactions with MongoDB
  • MongoDB Introduction

Music City Tech 2019

Nashville, TN

  • Schema Modeling Patterns and Best Practices for NoSQL Databases
  • Document Database Querying Like a Champ!
  • The Art of Not Sucking at Technical Presentations

MongoDB World 2019

New York, NY

  • Understanding ACID Transactions Play by Play

SQL Saturday #891 June 2019

Los Angeles, CA

  • Introduction to MongoDB

Los Angeles .NET February 2019

Playa Vista, CA

  • Transactions on MongoDB 4.0

SoCal Code Camp November 2018

USC / Los Angeles, CA

  • Measure Everything - Azure Application Insights in Action
  • MongoDB First Steps
  • Cosmos DB - the Easy Way
  • The Art of Not Sucking at Technical Presentations

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2018

San Jose, CA

  • MongoDB First Steps
  • MongoDB Aggregation like a Champ

LA.Net June, 2018

Playa Vista, CA

  • Aggregation Pipelines, Queries, MongoDB and Azure CosmosDB

Orange County Developers April 18

Irvine, CA

  • Microservices and streaming - creating a messaging backplane with Change Streams

LA C# November 2018

Pasadena, CA

  • What’s an Application? (The answers may surprise you)

SoCal Code Camp December 2017

Los Angeles, CA

  • The Art of Not Sucking At Technical Presentations
  • MongoDB First Steps
  • MongoDB Aggregation like a Champ!
  • Microservices in your own cloud, in the cloud, in a box.

KCDC 2017 (Kansas City Developer Conference)

Kansas City, MO

  • The “Hands On MongoDB In A Day Workshop” (Full Day)
  • MongoDB Aggregation like a Champ!

MongoDB World 2017

Chicago, IL

  • Tutorial: How to Model and Analyze Network (Graph) Data Like a Pro

Los Angeles JS Full Stack Feb 2017

  • Silly things you shouldn’t do with your production MongoDB

CodeMash 2017

Sandusky, OH

  • MongoDB Aggregation like a Champ!

USENIX LISA December 2016

Boston, MA

  • Running with MongoDB: Build Your Cluster Like a Champ!

SoCal Code Camp November 2016

Los Angeles, CA

  • Make Ideas, Not Tasks!
  • Concurrency is child’s play! (Powerful, Naïve, and full of “Oops!”)
  • MongoDB Aggregation Like a Champ!

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2016

San Jose, CA

  • Concurrency is child’s play! (Powerful, Naïve, and full of “Oops!”)
  • MongoDB First Steps
  • MongoDB Crash Course (Full day workshop)

Global Big Data Conference 2016

Santa Clara, CA

  • Digging Deep Data in MongoDB (Workshop)

MongoDB World 2016

New York, NY

  • From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB

KCDC 2016 (Kansas City Developer Conference)

Kansas City, MO

  • MongoDB Aggregation - Going way beyond the query
  • Run MongoDB Like A Champ! (full day session)

CodeMash 2016

Sandusky, OH

  • MongoDB Aggregation like a Champ!
  • Concurrency is child’s play! (Powerful, Naïve, and full of “Oops!”)

MongoDB Days Silicon Valley 2015

San Jose, CA

  • From Story to Document - applying Mongo oriented thinking to business requirements

SoCal Code Camp November 2015

Los Angeles, CA

  • MongoDB First Steps
  • MongoDb - From Story to Document
  • Successfully Speaking and How to Harness Big Ideas

Global Big Data Conference / Big Data Bootcamp 2015

Santa Clara, CA

  • MongoDB speed, scale, and durability Workshop


Washington D.C.

  • Running with MongoDB: Build Your Cluster Like a Champ! (Tutorial session)

Code Stars Summit 2015

San Jose, CA

  • Run MongoDB like a Champ! (Full day workshop)

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015

San Jose, CA

  • First steps with MongoDB

SoCal Code Camp June 2015

San Diego, CA

  • Async End to End - MVC and the new MongoDB .Net driver
  • MongoDB First Steps
  • Running With MongoDB - Better than running with scissors!

SoCal Code Camp February 2015

Fulletron, CA

  • Running With MongoDB - Better than running with scissors!
  • MongoDB First Steps
  • Concurrency In Action (with Steve Bearman)

SoCal Code Camp November 2014

Los Angeles, CA

  • MongoDB First Steps
  • Concurrency In Action (with Steve Bearman)

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2014

  • First steps with MongoDB

SoCal Code Camp June 2014

San Diego, CA

  • Master your career - coder practice
  • MongoDb first steps - Join the NoSQL revolution

SoCal Code Camp November 2013

Los Angeles, CA

  • MongoDB Aggregation Like A Champ!
  • Computing with Network/Graph Data
  • Master Code Development

SoCal Code Camp July 2013

San Diego, CA

  • Async your IIS app like a champ!
  • MongoDB first steps - Getting started by example
  • Computing with Network/Graph Data (with Steve Bearman)

dotNetConf 2013

  • Power charge your website with MongoDB


San Diego, CA

  • MongoDB: NoSQL Operations Hands-On

SoCal Code Camp October 2012

Los Angeles, CA

  • A Practical Graph-Computing Kickstart: a Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Code Mastery::Practice
  • MongoDB aggregation like a champ (Map/Reduce is so last quarter!)

SoCal Code Camp June 2012

San Diego, CA

  • .NET Multithreading in Practice: Eight Advanced Gems
  • .NET Reflection in Practice: What Every .NET Developer Should Know
  • An easy choice (not!): RavenDB vs. MongoDB
  • MongoDB for developers - Part I. (NoSQL)
  • MongoDB for developers - Part II. (NoSQL)

Mongo LA 2012

Los Angeles, CA

  • Queue in the Cloud with MongoDB

SoCal Code Camp January 2012

Fulletron, CA

  • .NET Multithreading in Practice: Eight Advanced Gems
  • .NET Reflection in Practice: What Every .NET Developer Should Know
  • Driving Electric - An all electric car info session
  • NoSql for beginners - Part 1
  • NoSql for beginners - Part 2

SoCal Code Camp SoCal Code Camp October 2011

Los Angeles, CA

  • Azure Storage - The many facets of blobs
  • Find it with Lucene
  • Parallel Essentials - Using .Net TPL
  • Talk to your electric car

SoCal Code Camp June 2011

San Diego, CA

  • .NET Multithreading Kickstart
  • Adding search to your site - and introduction with Lucene
  • No Mo Gas - Driving Electric Cars today

SoCal Code Camp January 2011

Fulletron, CA

  • A Multithreading Kickstart
  • Search Engines Unleashed - an introduction with Lucene

SoCal Code Camp October 2010

Los Angeles, CA

  • Practical Basics of Multithreading: The New, More Powerful, but Easier Techniques I
  • Practical Basics of Multithreading: The New, More Powerful, but Easier Techniques II
  • The power of search

SoCal Code Camp June 2010

San Diego, CA

  • Advanced C#: Do More with Less Code. Fluent Interfaces, LINQ, Reflection, Aggregation, and More!
  • Practical Basics of Multi-Threading
  • The Rad MVC CodeCamp Server

SoCal Code Camp January 2010

Fulletron, CA

  • Intermediate C#: Important Tools and Techniques, Part I: Generics, IEnumerables, and More!
  • Intermediate C#: Important Tools and Techniques, Part II: Generics, IEnumerables, and More!
  • Advanced C#: Combining Powerful Tools and Techniques

SoCal Code Camp November 2009

Los Angeles, CA

  • Advanced C#: Do More with Less Code. Fluent Interfaces, LINQ, Reflection, Aggregation, and More!
  • Extending MVC

SoCal Code Camp June 2009

San Diego, CA

  • Go International! Writing localized applications
  • Stop Searching - Start Finding!

SoCal Code Camp January 2009 at

Fulletron, CA

  • Code Contracts - New feature in .NET 4.0
  • Pex - Code quality from the inside

SoCal Code Camp October 2008

Los Angeles, CA

  • Unit Test Patterns - Beyond the visual studio wizard
  • Lightning fast data - keep your data closer

User Groups

  • From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB - Irvine Programming Meetup, May 2016
  • MongoDB Aggregation Like a Champ! - Codesmith.io Playa Vista Jan 2016
  • Async End to End - No Waitin’ for Nothing! SoCal .Net user Group Sep 2015
  • MongoDB Aggregation – because you have more than one document Los Angeles MEAN Stack Developers User Group June 2015
  • One Engine, Many Machines San Dimas Software & Database Professionals User Group May 2015
  • The MongoDB Way Dot Net User Group Nevada October 2014
  • MongoDB Group Reset Orange County MongoDB User Group October 2014
  • MongoDb first steps - Join the NoSQL revolution Los Angels Dot Net User Group July 2014
  • Async patterns in ASP.NET / MVC Dot Net User Group Nevada March 2013
  • MongoDB aggregation like a champ! Orange County MongoDB User Group December 2012
  • Practical Basics of Multithreading: The New, More Powerful, but Easy Techniques San Diego .Net User Group October 2010 (with Steve Bearman)
  • RAD MCV – Getting Up to Speed with ASP.NET MVC Rapid Application Development SoCalDotNet User Group October 2009 (with Steve Bearman)

Missed a workshop or training session? Need standard or custom training for yourself and your team? Contact us - we’ll make it happen!

Recorded Video, Courses, Podcasts


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